Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wheel of Fortune

This guest post from Hong Alexander

One of the earliest pictures that my mom has of me is me as a toddler, wearing only a diaper, standing directly in front of the TV watching Wheel of Fortune. I was that kid. The obnoxious one who preferred Vanna and Pat over Oscar and Big Bird. Later I would be a voracious reader, and would go on to major in English in college. My passion for words is deeply engrained, is what I’m getting at here. My mom laughs about how I was solving the Wheel of Fortune puzzles before the contestants could at age five.

I would yell them at the screen and smirk victoriously when the answer was finally relieved. In case you were wondering, I’m still just as obnoxious—while few people share my obsession with Wheel of Fortune, most people downright HATE it if I’m watching it with them. I don’t even really give anyone else a chance to try at the puzzle as I crow the answer out as quickly as possible. I’m a real joy.

Wheel comes on weeknights at 7 pm EST. Check direct tv colorado for listings. I dare you to solve a puzzle before me.

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